Monday, February 21, 2011

Vitality 4 Essentials

They also have a Vitality 6 & a Vitality Total.

I have been taking this supplement pack for nearly a month, and I have noticed a difference in how I feel (as long as I get sleep, that is!).  I like the box because there are 30 AM & 30 PM packets.  I don't have to worry about which ones to take when; I just go by how they are labeled.  You can purchase the same products in individual bottles as well for the same price as the packs.

PreSpot Laundry Stain Remover

Normally these two items are sold separately, but Melaleuca is currently running a web only special where you can purchase them together.

I will admit I'm not the best at using stain remover on my clothes.  In fact, I usually just throw clothes into the wash with brightner, detergent, and softener, & hope for the best.
Marc actually used this Saturday, the first time anyone in our family used it.  We were cleaning & sanitizing the van since the kids have been sick.  There was some nastiness underneath Emma's car seat, and the bench seat where the boys' car seats are reeked of rotten formula.  Marc sprayed the prespot & rubbed it in using a washcloth.  Then he ran the carpet cleaner we have (thanks, Daddy!!!), and the seats looked brand new!  I think I will start using this on my clothes now long as I remember to, that is!!!  We will definitely be ordering more as we need it!!!

Envia Shampoo & Conditioner

Both shampoo & conditioner come in: Hydrating, Clarifying, Color Protecting, & Ultra Hydrating.

I probably wouldn't have tried these products if they hadn't come in the value pack I ordered for my first delivery.  I typically don't spend more than $2 or $3 for each.  However, I will probably start splurging and getting this shampoo & conditioner.  I LOVE the way my hair feels after I use it, and my hair isn't weighed down at all.  I currently use the hydrating shampoo & conditioner.  I think I will try the clarifying next!

Body Satin Body Wash

Available in the following scents:  Original, Pear Raspberry, Ocean Breeze, & Plumeria

I really like this body wash.  My skin is so much softer when I use it.  I currently use the original scent, but I think next time I order, I will get a different scent.  This lathers really well, so I only need to use a small amount each time.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Laundry Pluses!!!

Also comes in smaller, 48 load size.
 I LOVE that this detergent is small in size, yet you can get 96 loads of laundry done with one bottle!  What's really great is with the pump (sold separately), you don't even have to measure the detergent; one pump is the exact amount you need!  It comes in 2 scents:  Fresh Scent, and Scent Free.

Also comes in larger, 96-load size.
This fabric softener works better than even Bounce for me!  I love the smell, and I love not having to use dryer sheets (my boys love to chew on them if I don't get them into the trash after use).  It comes in 2 scents:  Clean Cotton & Spring Breeze.

Also comes in larger, 96-load size.

This brightener is amazing as well!  It is 6x concentrated, so like the other laundry liquids, you only use 1/2 oz with each load.

All 3 items can be used with either the Eco-sense drain-back cap or the reusable laundry pump.

I decided to put these products to the ultimate test:  a load of poopy, stained cloth diapers & white onesies.  I did not use any pretreaters or bleach.  All items came out cleaner, whiter, and brighter than they were when they went in!!!  These products are amazing!!!  Maybe I'll rewash all my other cloth diapers just to see how they turn out too!

Friday, February 11, 2011

FiberWise Cereal--Cinnamon Clusters

I have to admit I was rather hesitant to try this.  
I've tried other products with fiber in them (like FiberOne), and they all gave me INCREDIBLY bad gas.
I decided to try it, and I was pleasantly surprised.
Not only does it taste wonderful, but I don't have the gas issues I had with the others.  The cinnamon flavor isn't overwhelming, and you actually have to chew the cereal! (I've had many cereals that get so mushy in milk you don't have to chew them...)
Even better, I'm not hungry shortly after eating!  One serving keeps me full for a good 3-4 hours!

Sun Shades Vanilla Bean Lip Balm

If this had not come in the package we ordered, I probably wouldn't have gotten it now.  However, I'm so grateful it did come!  This balm goes on smoothly & smells DIVINE (Emma says it "Mells Yummy").  As long as you don't lick it off (LOL), it lasts longer than ChapStick or Blistex.  My lips feel better too!
This products definitely gets 2 thumbs up!

Singing the Praises of Sol-u-Mel

Last night, Emma woke up crying.  Her diaper was completely soaked, so we changed it and put her back to bed.  Not 10 minutes later, she was crying again.  I went into get her, and her diaper was soaked AGAIN.  I was really confused, so I turned on the light since I needed to see to get her new jammies.  Her diaper was FULL of diarrhea that had ZERO substance to it.  Needless to say, it had leaked all over her clothes, the bed, and the floor.  Her room STUNK.  I had Marc get the Sol-U-Mel for me, and I cleaned up the floor (after Emma had had a bath, of course).  The poo came out of the carpet, and there's no smell!!!  WOOHOO!!!